Shit happens. (But sometimes it doesn’t ). However, I am always expecting it- ruining happiness for future me with mental simulation rides of worst case scenarios.
I read a quote the other day, "Yes, but what's the BEST that could happen?" and I thought- YES! Yes, I need to try and think that way more. Maybe you do too? It's hard (so hard) but what's harder is living with the daily mental calisthenics of the constant creation of worst case scenarios. I tell myself I do it so I can "be prepared" for the worst, but the truth is- it just robs me of joy. If we have no joy, we have nothing. I want to take my joy back.
Shit happens. (But sometimes it doesn't.) I'm going to break rule #345 of mine: Don't talk about poop on a public forum. I'm about to bend that rule til it snaps. I mean- I'm in the privacy of my own room so I don't have to look you in the eye for this. And you are reading this is the privacy of your own whatever. If you are under 35- please read no further. This is for people in the trenches.
Aging is a plot twist nobody prepares you for. It will humble the hell out of you, your ball-sack looking neck, and your aching joints. The older you get the less modest you become when it comes to the increasingly occurring medical stuff. At least I'm hoping that's the case because some of this stuff truly sucks.
My latest venture- the dreaded Colonoscopy. Lord knows I've been putting this off like it's my job. But finally at my last physical, I caved and agreed to a referral. I had plenty of time to mentally prepare as the next available appointment wasn't for 6 months- which led me to February of this year. One minute I have six months to prepare, and the next I'm chugging prescription colonoscopy prep by the name of, Polyethylene glycol- which sounds like something used to slowly poison a spouse on Dateline. They try to give it a fun and sporty brand name, GoLYTELY, but I can assure you there is nothing lightly about the going.
The night before my procedure, I was instructed to drink two liters of Goviolently Golytely at 6pm. It is conveyed to you that, "Most people have a bowel movement within a couple of hours, but it varies from person to person." My husband, Michael, told me it took about ten minutes for him- we are in that sexy stage of marriage where it is acceptable to talk about shitting your brains out. In fact I think the traditional 20th anniversary gift is Preparation H.

As instructed, at 6pm, I chug liters of sad, salty tasting, butt-blast water and wait. And I wait and wait and wait. The low temperature for the day is ZERO degrees, and I am chilled to the bone with the copious amount of cold liquid sloshing around my stomach. Finally I go to bed, covering myself in heating pads as I shiver. I sleep poorly, waking with each stomach rumble and feared toot. I wake up at 5am and head to my kitchen for Colonoscopy Prep part two: The Sequel. I feel like a (slowly) walking and talking Goodyear Blimp. (Wait- do those even exist anymore? Do people even know that analogy?If you are old enough for a colonoscopy you probably know.)
I've been instructed to drink another two liters of Gopainfully Golytely, so I do and I feel like freezing cold death. My eyes are swollen, I slept horribly, and I am as bloated as a chimpanzee looks. My headache feels like a near death experience. I had been planning on ignoring doctors orders and sneaking a little caffeine, but honest to gosh I could not fit one extra ounce into my person.
At this point, it's been about 11 hours since my first dose of Gofrequently, Golytely, and still basically nothing. Because, as I mentioned before, sometimes shit happens, but sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes we are so expecting shit to happen, that we don't even know what to do when it doesn't. Seriously. I was so full of it, I felt sick. What is wrong with me? Am I dying? I wonder.
My head hurts so bad and I am nauseous. Everyone said drinking the prep is the worst, but for me it is everything after. I couldn't watch TV. I couldn't read. My head even hurt too bad for even a nap. However I am no longer allowed to eat, drink or even Advil at this point. I'm not supposed to arrive at the outpatient center until 11:15am, so I know I am in for a long day. Finally, after my second dose of Goloudly Golytely, I started to get some action in the poop department, albeit much later than expected.
One minute after introducing herself, my intake nurse asks, "What do your bowel movements look like?" as we are walking towards the scale. I look around in shock- does she just expect me to answer this right here in the open? I quickly scan the hall hoping no one is around.
"Ummm....murky like a swamp? Liquidy?" I state like a question. How detailed am I supposed to get? Or is this simply small talk in a colonoscopy center? Is it rude if I don't return the question? "And how are your bowel movements, Nurse Linda?" I get on the scale, and after two days starvation and nothing but a liquid diet, I am currently FOUR POUNDS HEAVIER. My head pounds worse. I hate everyone right now.
We go into a room where I answer a million questions and get the dreaded HAND IV. My hands look like something from Tales of the Crypt. All skeletal and tendons and veins. The hand IV hurt more than the epidural I got when I gave birth to Greyson, I swear. Why couldn't that extra four pounds I've gained gone to cushion my hands? I wonder.
In addition to, "The prep is the worst," the other thing I'd heard was, "The nap is the best". They often use Propofol, a short-acting anesthetic that provides deep sedation. This is supposed to be the good stuff. The shiz that killed Michael Jackson. My pounding head couldn't wait for respite.
Finally after three hours of waiting, I'm wheeled into the procedure room. I am transferred to another bed, and asked to lay on my side with my upper leg bent in a 90 degree angle. (Easy butt access.) I can't look anyone in the eyes, knowing what they are about to see. I watch a nurse testing the colonoscope-a small, lighted camera attached to the end of a long, thin, flexible tube called a catheter. I see the monitor set up for my very own colon viewing party. I can't believe I'm going to go to sleep and they are going to look inside my butt with this snake.
But then I feel the magical juice flow through my IV, and I can finally let go and float. Ahhhhh. I have no headache or fear. I dream of cheeseburgers and fries...
"Christina," the dark angel says, backlit by the harsh overhead lights of the procedure room. I use every ounce of energy inside to open my eyes. Why is she ruining my much anticipated nap? "We were unable to complete the procedure due to incomplete bowel prep", the GI Doctor says. I know I am sleeping, but I must fight back against this false accusation. WAKE UP. TALK, I urge my brain. "But I drank all the prep! I was pooping liquid!" The talking took so much energy that I passed right out again. And the next thing I am aware of, I am waking up back in my original room. That dark angel had to be a dream, I thought. It was so realistic, but they wouldn't give me important medical information while I am as high as a giraffe's eyebrows.
Apparently they DO, and apparently there was a big scary doodie monster waiting in my poop shoot. (You are welcome for not including the picture they included on My Chart.) "The procedure was aborted due to improper bowel prep" is written on my record. I feel shame when I read it- like I got called down to the principal's office for misbehaving in class. I feel like I need to hire a lawyer to get this expunged from my record. Or perhaps force them to add an asterisk that also states, *But she did ingest the FULL four liters of that disgusting drink.* It is not my fault I'm full of it. I tried my best.
I was so pissed I couldn't even enjoy my post (failed) procedure graham crackers and 7-up.
My discharge papers gave the recommendation that I repeat this procedure in three months with a "more intensive bowel prep." Michael and the boys picked me up and as soon as I got in the car I started sobbing. "I'M NEVER GOING BACK AGAIN! I WON'T DO IT! AND NOW I'M GOING TO DIE FROM COLORECTAL CANCER." It's funny what terrible sleep, no caffeine and not eating solid food for days does to a poor girl's heart.
It's been a week since then. I've forgotten the intensity of the prep, the starvation and the shame. I am going back for round two- it's already booked. YAY ME! The intensive bowel prep is RIDICULOUS, but I'm going to do it. Because sometimes shit happens. (Even when it doesn't.)
With love and soft toilet paper,
PS- I seriously can't believe I put this all in writing.